Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My favorite cover

Vanity Fair, January 2012: "Lady Gaga"

This Magazine shows bright colors as the main image. The Masthead is white making the title pop out with the red. The model is Singer lady gaga. Lady gaga is very different meaning she has a unique style so she's dressed in this red outfit. There is major contrast in the photo because you can see shadows. There is no barcode on the third left.  The lighting is dim. on the top it says japan so this was the style in Japan.

parts of magazine

Masthead- is basically the title or the logo of the magazine

Dateline-Month and year of publication 

Model Credit- Usually for fashion design magazines. 

Coverline- magazine uses a lot of cover lines, which are distributed around the main image without detracting.

Left third-The left third of the magazine cover is for sales in shops where the magazine is not shown full frontage Bar code. 

Selling line-Short, sharp description of the title's main marketing point 

main image- the face or an object big enough to stand out on the news-stand, its the big picture. 

bar code- usually for scanning the magazine to purchase it. 

Main cover line- This is very large, taking up almost a quarter of the magazine cover and comes in three layers, each with a different colour. 

Magazine covers part 2

 forrest cover magazine
Early magazine covers.

poster cover

this magazine is a national geographic type.